For hyperscale deployments, there are numerous PDU choices to be made that are driven by the following factors:
With the launch of our Build Your Own PDU (BYOPDU), the data center designer gets to balance off these factors by selecting input power, input cord location, outlet count by type (C13, C19, Cx), whether or not to use alternating phase power, color and so on to get a solution tailored to the unique requirements of the particular data center. BYOPDU introduced the versatility of our HDOT technology to the world and continues to build upon that with the revolutionary HDOT Cx outlets that support both C14 and C20 plugs.
The goal of our product line and the design of our manufacturing process is to allow our customers the ability to find exactly the right set of power distribution features for their application: from horizontal to vertical, 120V to 415V, low density to high, and from managed/intelligent to not.