Updates on 5G Wireless

In 2019, some aspect of the looming launch of 5G wireless services makes the headlines on a daily basis. Around the globe, carriers are battling for mindshare and share of wallet from potential consumers of the soon to be unleashed bandwidth with announcements of the latest cities to have their networks turned on and the latest services to be offered. Fixed wireless to the home, anyone? Promises of a forthcoming revolution in the way that we connect to the internet, the IoT, the environment, and to one another are escalated at the same time as warnings are given regarding potential security, privacy and health risks of the new technology wunderkind.

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As the coverage area of the 5G hardware is smaller, said hardware will need to be spaced more closely together and will require new solutions for delivering electrical power. 

The vast majority of the power will need to be remotely monitored and managed through automation to ensure uptime while maintaining efficiency and avoiding truck rolls.

Server Technology's Switched family of PDUs provide the capability to securely monitor and control device power through a network connection. These products combine remote configuration and management with power distribution and power/environmental monitoring.


With Server Technology's Switched PDUs you can:

  • Control power to a server or other device with a single command (ON/OFF/REBOOT)
  • Reduce surge currents through sequenced power-up
  • Shed load based on certain events (optional)
  • Monitor all aspects of the Smart cabinet PDU

Need the highest density solution while providing ultimate flexibility? Configure your own HDOT Cx PDU: Four Easy Steps, Ships in 10 Days.

Build Your Own HDOT Cx PDU.png

Learn about the state of 5G rollouts, the interdependency of IoT, smart cities, edge computing and 5G wireless, and the changes to the power landscape that will be driven by 5G deployments.

Server Cabinet Power Distribution

The goal of our product line and the design of our manufacturing process is to allow our customers the ability to find exactly the right set of power distribution features for their application: from horizontal to vertical, 120V to 415V, low density to high, and from managed/intelligent to not.

Intelligent Power Distribution

Intelligent PDUs combine power distribution, power control, and data collection within a single unit. They supply more power to more devices while providing key information through PDU networking.

Flexible Power Distribution

Server Technology's HDOT Cx PDU, featuring the revolutionary Cx outlet, accommodates both C14 and C20 plugs, reducing the complexity of the PDU selection process and limits the need to purchase a new set of PDUs when equipment changes, resulting in lowering end costs.

Need More Help Picking Your PDU?

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